Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust

Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust

Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust

Registration form
Please note this is the email address to which the library will send all notices
Students only: Please complete the following:
1. Library members must respect other users of the library and conduct themselves in an appropriate manner.
2. Fines on overdue books will be paid in accordance with the local charging policy.
3. Library members must ensure that the library is informed of any changes in personal details, eg change of address.
4. Library members must not mark, deface or damage library stock.
5. Photocopying must comply with current copyright legislation and the terms of the NHS CLA Licence. Photocopying must be paid for in accordance with the local charging policy.
6. Library members must adhere to local library regulations.
7. You will be held responsible for any books issued on your library card. Therefore lost library cards must be reported to Library staff immediately.
8. On leaving the Trust, library cards must be returned to the Librarian.
I agree to abide by the Library regulations. I understand that I am financially responsible for making good the loss of, or damage to any items on loan to me. I also undertake to keep the Library informed of my current address. I accept that these details will be held on the library management system, and that this information will be available to myself and health library staff, and may also be accessed by the library system supplier during system maintenance. I consent to this information being held and used in accordance with current Data Protection legislation and local Trust policies.